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***12 Step Cure, LLC***

Psychotherapy for All



****A 'Tele-Med'/Out-Patient Counseling Practice.****


"It's GOOD 'TO BE' "

'Insights' into the Lyrics Posted Below

"Aaahh! It's GOOD 'To 'BE' ....!"

The Adversary of Humanity is, "Shoot to Thrill and Ready To KILL."

Please Know and Remember as we all "Got the Devil inside", via Practicing Spiritual, Moral, Universal Principles in Our LIFE, 'We Harness the Life Energies of the Demon to Transcend Up' and Out of the de'Vices' which Bind US. (excerpt of Joseph Campbell)

"Get Behind Me Satan" - Jack White and Jesus

Here Is the Entity which has Devoured Many a Mind, where the 'Hand Out' is a 'Kiss from Judas' Iscariot to Crucify Us under the Archon Rulership of Social-Totalitarianism aka 'New World Order'.

"..In order to 'Turn' the individual into a function OF the (Police) State, his dependence on anything beside the State (as in GOD We Trust) must be 'Taken' from him." - Carl Gustav Jung

"DON'T KNOW Which Way You Wanna Turn?"... We have Free Will to Choose "To BE or Not To Be" - Prince Hamlet in the Play, Hamlet by Shakespeare


PHARMAKIA Definition;

Use or the -Administering of Drugs,



-Magical Arts, often found in connection with Idolatry (a Pope, Fauci, Gates, Opposed to GOD) and Fostered by

the Deceptions of Idolatry.  *** Did you know 'Fauci' in Italian means 'Scythe' - that of the Grim Reaper!?

"...The Dragon was Enraged ....and Went off TO WAGE WAR ...Against... HU(God in Sanskrit)MAN BEINGS - Revelations


'WE' will not stand at all." - Isiah 7:9


'COEUR' = HEART in French



Important Steps to REALIZE;

Step 1.  We are POWER....we were (past tense) powerless over Our deVices which bound us.

Step 4.  Building Our MORAL Inventory OF GOODS in taking Stock OF Our WareHouse (What Wares do We Have to Give?)... to get 'Our OWN House In Order'.  Examples in building a Foundation made of Rock (or Bricks as the wolf could not blow the three little pigs House down) ;  HOPE, FORGIVENESS (We're Sorry for the Immoral things (Wrongs) we have done.  We Build Our  MORAL Inventory via Practicing Principles.

Step 5.  As we Clean Up Our House, Take (IN) Stock, Our Liabilities, shortcomings, defects steadily dwindle to having a House Full of GOODS.

Step 10.  Comprising Both Step 4 and 5     ".......and Continued to Take Personal Inventory."

 Bringing US Principles in Practice as in 'The Original 12 Steps'


'Uncovering What Has Been Hidden' Bringing Back the Truth and Sanctity of the 12 Steps

"Cure" & Prevention of Addiction/Mental Illness 


A Conscious Effort in PRACTICE Of

Spiritual PRINCIPLES....

Honesty - To Thine Own Self 'BE'










Critical Thought 

Giving of Self

BENEFITS of Our Mission;  - *Alleviating bondage of self-indulgence.  - 

1. Prevention of 'Bullying' via 'Empower-ment' aka 'Headstrong' where Applying KNOWLEDGE = POWER

- Build Resiliency

- Build Fortitude

- Being Prudent

- Strength to Carry On

- Decisiveness  

Character/Spiritual Development' aka 'Streetwise Spirituality';

2. Find Meaning and Purpose 'IN' Ones' Own Life resulting in Happiness and Fulfill-ment (renewing of mind)

3. Knowing Who one IS and Where one Is Going aka 'Definiteness of Purpose'

4. Manifesting 'Dreams Come True'.

Empowering via Knowledge

PRACTICE (-ism defined; Practice the use of)

MORAL defined as;  manifesting High Principles For what is right or Prudent ...derived from Experience)

PRINCIPLES - Defined as, Most Important, which must come First and

Foremost, Before Any Relationship is to Develop.

In Building Ones MORAL Inventory (Step 4), it Allows one to 'BE' of Integrity, Prevention of being 'bullied' or 'swayed' of 'outside circumstances, influences, or conditions' OR simply, nullifying Blame upon Others.


ANARCHIST Defined;  'A' - Without

                    'ARCH' as in Archons, Oligarchs, Matriarchs, Patriarchs AKA - RULERS 

ANARCHIST = Without Rulers thus No Slaves = 'Being' FREE or ...

"To Thine OWN Self 'BE' True"


"...a Power Greater than Our selves"?

It's Within Each and Everyone of Us.  We Hope You too Self-Realize it has been Within US ALL along.


We Learn via Our OWN Experience, of ones OWN Practice of Universal, MORAL Principles in ones OWN Life.  "We are Captains of Our Ship and Master of OUR Destiny.", said by many  i.e. Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, and Napoleon Hill.


*For 'Mental Well Being' in PREVENTION of 'Psychological Disorders/Disease of Addiction.*  


WE are mere Messengers in Bringing Back the Truth and Sanctity of the 12 Steps ....

As "There Is Nothing New Under the Sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9

Mission and Objective;  Uplift, Encourage, and Empower others, ESPECIALLY OUR YOUTH, to 'Self-Realize' their Infinite Potential in Manifesting their Dreams into Reality.  




READY For the Adventure?


 Principles Enable one to Raise their Self Esteem from Within Ones Self

'Belongingness' (green) and 'Esteem' (blue) are of the Psychological aspects (depicted in the Triangle Hierarchy of Needs)

*** When 'Esteem' is not 'Uplifted' and 'put down, degraded, demoralized instead, it Causes the Mind to 'short circuit' the Mind aka - Confusion 

Summary; When we Uplift one another, We All Come Up (in Higher Consciousness/a Greater Understanding)

If what is said is not uplifting, encouraging, empowering - it's a Lie.  Walk Away

Think Step Four;  Are we Increasing Our MORAL Inventory?  OR Are we allowing another human power turn our Moral Inventory into Immoral Inventory (which is in step five - the liabilities which fall away as we make amends increasing Our GOODS in OUR OWN WareHOUSE 'To BE' In Order.) - "We are the Priests of Our Temples..." - Rush 2112

" Silly Rabbit!  Tricks are for Kids."

"...and we PRACTICE THESE PRINCIPLES in all our affairs."  "PRINCIPLES over Personalities."

Principles Of that which IS

Know the Truth & 'BE'

Knowing the Truth Sets Us Free.  Ignoring it results in Slavery.  

Our Next Video Below Is a Plea of Help For Our 'Little Ones' Introducing Our 'School of Thought' with a 'Song of Hope' For ALL 'Young at Heart'.

The Big Push in Public School is STEM - Science, Technology, Education, Mathematics. Nothing wrong with that, but I see there is less emphasis of the Basic Sacred Western Higher Learning Education System, that of the Seven Liberal Arts, enabling one to 'BE' Wise, to Express ones' True Self and Capable of Defending them Selves in a Court of Law.  Wisdom Teachings of the Seven Liberal Arts makes for the Development of a 'Well-Rounded' 'HU(God in Sanskrit)MAN BEING'. Contrary to public opinion, it is NOT the Ramen Noodles and Pizza which makes one Truly 'Well-Rounded'.

I 'SEE' the 'Time IS Right in getting 'Back to the Future' in Learning via 'Liberal Arts' for an individual to KNOW HOW to Express them 'Selves' with Grace.  Teaching by Way of the 'Trivium' (Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric) allows for 'Greater Understanding', thereby Knowing Truth in Fighting For Freedom & Justice for ALL.

"Wisdom has Built Her House; She has Set UP its Seven Pillars." - Proverbs 9:1

"This House IS ...the Seven Pillars are the Seven Liberal Arts."[21] -

Doctor St. Albert the Great.

Why Not at least consider a bit of an 'alternative' 'after school' program for a Healthy State of Mind?  Encouraging, Empowering, Uplifting Our Youth for Higher 'Self-Esteem' is Essential for one to 'Self-Actualize' as Abraham Maslow teaches.  IT CAN BE FUN AGAIN!  Again, Nothing wrong with STEM, but what about Knowing HOW to 'EXPRESS' ones Self With Grace and Compassion?   'Knowing HOW via the Seven Liberal Arts and Conscious PRACTICE 'Building' their OWN Moral Inventory via Virtues and Elementary PRINCIPLES i.e. Integrity, Patience, Tolerance, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Prudence, Perseverance, Forgiveness, to name a few in CARE For Others.  These Principles are integral within the Martial Arts.

Knowing 'Grammar', to 'SEE' in 'Higher Definition' of 'Words' allows one to 'Understand', thus  utilize 'Logical Thought' to 'Speak', 'Write', 'Sing' = 'RHETORIC' - Expressing ones Self...

...To 'BE'.  Essential for a Free Person (liberalis, "Worthy of a Free Person")[8] to acquire 'IN ORDER' to take an Active part in.. LIFE,...

...To Participate in Public Debate, Defending oneself in Court, Jury Duty, Participation in "Living Along Spiritual Lines"..

The 'Tricksters' have always been and always will be amongst us.  Let's Help Our 'Young-Stars' KNOW HOW To Stand UP, not only for themselves, but For the sake of Others in True CARE in 'Giving of Ones Self'...

.."Having the Wisdom to KNOW the Difference" of;

Slavery vs. Freedom..


Music Video # 6 from VELVET REVOLVER


Video Below SHOWS US Lead Singer, the Late Scott Weiland, Former Lead Singer of Stone Temple Pilots, at his BEST!!


WORD UP!?  To 'SEE' 'IN' 2020 Today, April 9


"When I'm runnin' with the devil I Don't Deliver The Fight...

It's the Alien Infection, It's the Coming of Christ

Brains are frying while the Kings and Queens are Dying


What's Come Over me NOW?

Let me Go, Let me Go, Let me Go...

Don't look at me now

                                                                   Fell too fast your wings won't hold."    - Velvet Revolver, Sucker Train Blues


'WORD' Origin of...

..APOCALYPSE;. from Greek - Apo. Kaluptien

Un. Cover

Uncover, Reveal

Uncover? Reveal What?

The TRUTH where WE Inherit 'a New Earth', "A Greater Understanding", "Intuitively KNOWING what used to baffle us."


Could This Be The Greatest Time Ever in the history of Humanity, To 'LIVE', To 'KNOW' "What On Earth IS Happening?" (Mark Passio, Teacher of Natural Law)


We'll 'SEE' 'As More IS 'Being' REVEALED' in This Great Time 'To 'BE' ...AWAKE!


SO Exciting, yet Sad to see So Many 'Dazed and Confused'.  Isn't it Comforting to KNOW We're NOT on the Sucker Train Blues of the Masses being taken for a Ride?  


"Jesus ain't Complainin' Got It All Figured Out." and WE Will as well as We Consciously Practice Spiritual Moral Principles 'To 'BE' 'IN' Our (R)Evolution


Velvet Revolver, Sucker Train Blues




A 'School of Thought' for Any Age to Self-Realize/Actualize/Awaken to the Infinite Possibilities Within Ones Own Life.

Accomplished via Incorporating the Conscious Practice of Spiritual Principles i.e. 'Forgiveness', 'Patience', 'Tolerance',...With Knowledge of Universal/Natural Law

i.e. (1)'Cause and Effect' (Karma) and (2)'Mentalism' = THOUGHTS determine ACTIONS resulting in BEHAVIOR.

KNOWING HOW to Practice Good Moral Principles in Life, We Manifest (Bring Our Ship In With the Goods) in Creating Our REALITY.



These are just a few examples of the Practices and Benefits of Our 'School of Thought'. We also incorporate Study by way of the 'Trivium' -  


 'Three' of Seven Liberal Arts; 'Grammar', 'Logic', and 'Rhetoric' i.e. (for our purpose here)

                            1. - ism defined; Practice of the use of.

+ 2. - ment defined; Mind

          =3. Mentalism (Universal Law)


We Welcome You to Come 'ON' 'IN' and Take a 'LOOK' and 'SEE' For Your 'SELF' and EXPERIENCE Your OWN Inherent Gifts of Peace and Serenity Living 'IN' Harmony.


WE ESPECIALLY ENCOURAGE OUR YOUTH!!! in HOPE this (supplemental) 'School' Is Attractive promoting 'Imagination', 'Wonder' and 'Critical Thought' via Music Videos, Lyrics, and Film.


The Light of Truth IS Within Each and Everyone of Us.

"THAT'S Where the FUN IS!!" 


Two Videos from the Killers above and below depict Perspectives of early and later years in Life.

"If You Could 'SEE' Through....

'Intu' Eternitys' EYE, ..

a Vision Reaching Down To You

Would You Turn Away?"

'SEE' in the Video above How He 'Looks Within himself' to 'Take Down the Smoke Screen' to Go Through the Window of the Soul To 'Realize A New Reality' 'Intu the Great Wide Open' 'IN' his Innate 'BEING', 'In True Grit' of Inte-Grity in 'Being'... "To Thine Own Self 'BE' True" in New Clothes?

It is My Hope Others may 'BE' Willing to 'SEE' and Not be Stymied of the Grand Illusion of 'Events' taking place in 'These Beautiful, Wonderful, Miraculous Times'.

I See Both these videos asking US 'To LIVE', 'To 'BE', "To LOVE the One We're With" NOW.

Bringing Truth and Sanctity Back to the 12 Step Cure ("Cure for Alcoholism" - original title of the A. A. Big Book)


(Y)OUR Next Video Shows HOW 'The "CURE" Comes via Having the Wisdom to KNOW in "Coming to a Greater Understanding' of One's 'Self'. 


Music Video # 7 from Stone Temple Pilots


."...What's Real and What's For Sale?"


This Posting Is especially For Our Youth Who may Unnecessarily be Confused/in Fear of these 'Times' as that is the BIG Agenda. I Say to US ALL, "'BE' 'At-Ease' via "Having the WISDOM to KNOW the Difference".


A new Focus Strategy of the is To Help Our Youth Know "What On Earth Is Happening?" and NOT being A Victim

 Of This Great Deception.



"WORD...UP!?" For Our Day;

VACILLATE - Alternate or Waver between different Opinions or Actions; be Indecisive.


In Conducting Business and Living Ones OWN LIFE, 'Executive Decisions Must Be Made in 'CARE' For What We Want to Do.


"WHAT Do I Want to Do?"


That's the First Question for Any Endeavor. Then WE CAN DECIDE, to DeTERMine the TERMS in Living' Our Own Lives for WE are in 'Authority', 'Authors' of Our Own Storybook via Our OWN Strategies WE Implement in accomplishing Our Goal.


Four Basic Business Steps For Solving a Problem or Attaining What You Want;


1. What Do I Want? SOLVE a Problem.

2. Determine Strategies to SOLVE the Problem.

3. Take ACTION. Implement the Determined Strategies.

4. Evaluate. Do It Again, Do It Again, Do it Again.


To NOT Get 'Stuck' in "The VASOLINE" of Confusion and Bewilderment of 'The Ways 

of this World' of 'Human Conditioning' is 'To KNOW' the TRUTH which sets Us Free.






Here is A CONSCIOUS 'WAY of Study', called the 'Trivium', the three of seven of the Liberal Arts 'To KNOW;

' is..

1. Grammar - 2. Logic - 3. Rhetoric (SPEAK!!!)




1.  'KNOWING' in High-Definition of WORDs 'To 'SEE' CLEARLY in NOT being PLAYED For a FOOL. 


2. As a Computer - Receiving Good WORD INPUT/In-FORMAT-ion - to PROCESS-or to THINK in making LOGIC-al sense- To EXPRESS Ones Self of Sound Doctrine OF Good Quality OUTPUT - On the DISPLAY SCREEN = LIFE without a 'VIRUS', No 'BUGS', No 'Dis-Ease'.


OR We Can 'LOOK' and 'SEEK' by.


3. Knowing in High Definition of WORDs - Gives Us a "Greater Understanding" - To 'GIVE', 'LIVE', 'BE', Manifest- 'Bringing Your Ship-Ment (Mind) In With the GOODS. "They Will Always Materialize IF WE WORK FOR THEM". EXPRESS Our True Nature OF....WISDOM to 'Better' Our World.


Along with Strategies to Implement (Step 3 of 4 of a 'Business Plan') for Our OWN Self Development, We CAN WORK in 'Being' in PRACTICE of Spiritual Principles which 'Must Come First, Foremost Important For ANY Relationship to Develop.  Then, WHO KNOWS Better than You HOW To Run Your OWN PRACTICE?



'BE' (Y)Our (R)Evolution.



for Your SOLUTION.


What's the EFFECT of Your CAUSE?


Making Things 'Come Together' OR Chaos of Destruction?


Isn't it a Beautiful Time to 'Get Off the Fence'?

Music Video # 5 from IAN BROWN

Video Below Shows Us WE ARE ALL That. 

March 16, 2020 - Can YOU 'SEE' Clearly?

"Nobody or nothings ever getting in your way...

Today NOW YOU're at the Wheel, I'll ask How does it Feel? ...Heaven's Gates, they ain't so far away.

When your halo slips for good, you'll have to wear your hood

All you losers, all abusers wasting all my precious energy..Those not coming in for free well they they gotta pay, ah....

Remember where you came from ...They said that Heaven holds a place for all of those who pray

And if you don't believe in my dream then you don't care anyway



WORD UP? For Today, March 16, 2020 -



a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown...rarefied gaseous... circle of light seen around as a crown shaped pearly glow.

The 'Corona' IS OUR HALO WE Have innate in Our 'Being' 'IN' and OF Higher Consciousness, 'IN' 'BEING' Spiritually AWAKE and AWARE of Our Higher 'Selves'. We've been 'Turned 'ON' 'IN' 'Self-Actualization/Realization'...having in Fact "Been Rocketed 'INTU' the Fourth Dimension and Beyond, Going Where No Man Has Gone Before...BeCause It's OUR OWN LIFE FOREVER LONG EXPERIENCE.

It's Sad to 'SEE' the Masses with the 'Virus' Who Cannot 'SEE' for "they know Not if it's dark outside or Light"(E.J.) to 'Come to' KNOW the Infinite LOVE of the Higher Frequencies Coming Down, enveloping US 'IN' Christ Consciousness for they have lost their Halo only to wear their Hood in Fear.


Music Video # 4 from The BLACK EYED PEAS


'WORD UP'!? For US ALL Today Sunday, March 14, 2020 - 'SEE' 'IN' With New Glasses.  



JUST LISTEN to the 'WORD's'!!!


Addressed To the 'Homeless', 'Poor in Spirit', the 'Tread Upon', the 'Wronged' of 'INJUSTICES', those who have been 'Trespassed', the ones who have been 'put down', 'bullied' by the Predators of this World.....The BEHAVIORISTS of Our 'Conditioning'. Please, Let's "Step 'ON' 'IN' To Find what 'Condition Our Condition Is In"!!


It IS OUR TIME!!! It IS OUR OPPORTUNITY to 'Come Together' as ONE, To FIGHT with HEART in Overcoming this ILLUSION of the 'ways of this world' wants us... CONTROLLED, ENSLAVED in Thinking We are 'defects' or have some mental 'dis-ease'. MUCH OF THIS is 'Psycho-Babble'. It is FALSE!!! There IS NOTHING WRONG with US!!! "Only Ourselves Can Free Our Minds of Mental Slavery"!! - Bob Marley


The 'Power of Suggestion' is Very Powerful.  It can manipulate people in doing about anything without critical THOUGHT.  The ONLY Power Evil/Our 'Adversary' has is 'Suggestion'...To make US Weak, Divided, and somehow different from one another. WE ARE the HUMAN RACE.

The TRUTH IS, "The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth"; YOU and I Who Have put up with NONSENSE Long ENOUGH!!!  It is Our Time to Rise Up!


The TRUTH HAS BEEN HIDDEN from US Realizing our innate 'BEING' OF TRUE POWER IN KNOWLEDGE, UNITY, and LOVE. Think, KNOW OUR TIME HAS COME as Foretold in the Song, 'Aquarius' by the Fifth Dimension.


WE CAN, With a Concerted EFFORT, REALIZE ANARCHY - NO Rulers or MASTERS thus NO SLAVES. The'Wicked Witch of the West' wants US "ASLEEP".


I AM Telling YOU TRUE!! When WE Realize How We have been Fooled and Tricked by the 'Powers that be' for you not 'TO BE', WE CAN 'TAKE BACK WHAT IS Rightfully OURS, what has been all but Lost...OUR 'Way in 'Overcoming' in the 12 Step CURE as it was 'In the Beginning of it's True Intent and Focus in 'Overcoming' in Knowing the TRUTH SETS US FREE.



WE invite YOU to Take a STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT For (Y)Our Selves and (Y)Our Brothers and Sisters, (Y)Our Family, (Y)Our Neighborhoods, and OUR COMMUNITY in Making it a STRONG Place 'IN TRUE GRIT' (Integrity) to Flourish and 'BE' FREE!!


All I Ask is, "PLEASE!! Have HOPE, FAITH.  Let's 'COME TOGETHER OVER YOU'! Let's STAND 'IN' UNITY to 'SEE' & 'HEAR' HOW WE CAN ALL BE RICH not ONLY in SPIRIT, but as We 'GIVE, WE WILL RECEIVE UNTOLD Monetary Riches from New Humanitarian Efforts Coming.


WE are simply Sharing the Message of Truth/Power/Knowledge.   "We are the Masters of Our Own Destiny, We are the Captains of Our Own Ship, "WE ARE in FACT, The PRIESTS OF OUR TEMPLES OF Syrinx" - In Administering Our VOICE!






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Music Video # 3 by OZZY

(Y)OUR Daily 'WORD UP?'  March 10, 2020

Question to Ask Our 'Selves', "WHY ARE WE ALIVE?", FOREVER After ALL, "It's ALL FOR YOU".

"Remember I'm still Here FOR YOU

I don't wanna say goodbye

When I do, You'll Be ALL RIGHT

After all, I DID IT ALL FOR YOU....

TRUTH IS I DON'T wanna die an ordinary man..

I've seen tears and I've seen smiles

Just remember that it's all for you

Don't forget me as the colors fade"

WE LOVE YOU OZZY FOR YOU Sharing YOUR SPIRIT of TRUTH, STRENGTH, and HOPE Within YOU. THANK YOU For 'BEING' Responsible For US 'To 'SEE'. THANK YOU For 'STANDING UP', Helping US to KNOW of the 'Injustices' in this world. Thank You for Sharing Your LIFE stories of Our 'brokenness of frailties, of Your Strength to Endure, to 'OverCome', 'To Bear With One Another', In Giving US HOPE WE CAN LIVE above the constraints of 'laws of man'. Thank You OZZY.

"When I find myself in times of trouble

Mother Mary Comes to me

Speaking WORDs of WISDOM, LET IT BE" - Beatles

'WORD UP?' For Today;

MANNA - 1. Spiritual Nourishment 2.. a usually sudden and unexpected SOURCE of pleasure or gain.

WE CAN 'SEE' CLEARLY HOW 'KNOWING and Consciously Practicing Spiritual Principles in ALL OUR Affairs Bring US 'FULL- FILL-MENT' of OUR Mind, Body, and Soul in 'Recovering' what HAD been, all but lost, of....OUR TRUE NATURE CHILD 'IN' 'BEING' "To Thine Own Self 'BE' TRUE".

It's Not Visible! The Answer, the Key, the Lock, the Truth is NOT 'Realized' from 'outside resources'. It's an 'Awakening' in 'Epiphanies' as "More IS REVEALED". It's Spiritual. It's the 'Kingdom of God Found from Within' as 'WE ARE What WE EAT'.

'Eat', 'BE', 'Think & Grow Rich in Abundance', 'BUILD' (Y)OUR 'HOUSEs of (Y)OUR 'SELVES' of GOOD MORAL INVENTORY in (Y)OUR OWN Spiritual Development in Consciously Practicing Spiritual Principles as (Y)OUR GUIDE LINE in (Y)OUR 'WORK 'IN' PROGRESS Toward (Y)OUR OWN Spiritual Development.

I HOPE and PRAY This Makes it EASY to Understand HOW We 'GAIN' 'A GREATER UNDERSTANDING' and "the WISDOM to KNOW the difference" of What the 'EASE' of TRUTH ALWAYS IS. 



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Bringing Truth & Sanctity Back In BEING REAL

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